self care saturday

60 Self Care Saturday Ideas To Try This Weekend

So it’s the weekend, and we finally get some me time! 10 years ago, my weekends looked like this:

Fridays – catching up on sleep I missed in the week

Saturdays – partying

Sunday– inevitable hangover, and getting ready for Monday.

Now I’m a little older, (and wiser I hope!) so I like to take some time for self care at the weekend. And my favourite day for that is a Saturday.

I see lots of pretty Pinterest posts about ‘Self Care Sunday’ but to be honest, my Sundays are still spent getting everything ready for Monday which doesn’t leave much time for ME.

(Why is there soooo much week, and sooo little weekend?)


In this blog post, we’ll take a look at self care and I’ll give you 60 ways you can spend your Saturday for the ultimate self care weekend.

So you’ll be refreshed and ready for Monday instead of tired and nursing an alcohol-induced migraine.


60 Self Care Ideas To Try on Saturday

  1. Self Care Saturday Ideas for Your MIND
  2. Self Care Saturday Ideas for Your BODY
  3. Self Care Saturday Ideas for Your FINANCES
  4. Self Care Saturday Ideas for Your ENVIRONMENT
  5. Self Care Saturday Ideas for LIFE
  6. Self Care Saturday Ideas for FUN
  7. Self Care Saturday Ideas for LUXURY

Why Self-Care Is Important

Self care is one of the pillars of self love. Looking after yourself means that you have high self esteem and self worth.

There’s a reason we’re called the burnout generation. In today’s fast-paced world, where we often juggle multiple responsibilities, taking time to practice self care is essential for both our mental and physical health.

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation.”

– Audre Lorde

Self-Care Misconceptions

Despite its importance, self-care is often misunderstood. Here are a few of the myths:

1. It’s about luxury

There’s nothing wrong with spending some cash on ourselves, but self care doesn’t mean we have to go big. Self care isn’t long K beauty routines and jade rollers. It’s about giving your self space to listen to and meet your own needs. Yes it could be a pedicure or a spa weekend, but it could be something as simple as a walk or drinking enough water.

2. You only need to do it when you’re stressed

Prevention is better than a cure! And that couldn’t be more true when it comes to looking after our wellbeing. The more often we practice self care the less likely we are to get to breaking point.

3. It’s expensive

You don’t need a tonne of cash to give yourself some TLC. Instead of paying for a pedicure try a DIY one at home. Instead of paying for a massage try stretching and a long soak in the tub.

self care saturday

The Benefits of Regular Self Care Activities

Here are a few reasons why incorporating self-care practices into your routine is essential:

1. Improved Mental Health:

Things like meditation, journalling, and practising mindfulness can help build a positive mindset which can keep negative thoughts at bay. There are also mental health benefits, self care can help with things like depression and anxiety.

2. Improved Physical Health:

We all know what we need to do to look after our bodies. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and getting enough sleep can keep us looking and feeling great.

3. More Resilience:

Practising self-care regularly builds resilience, when we take care of ourselves we’re better able to navigate the challenges life throws at us.

4. Connection:

So many of us have issues with the way we look or act or feel. Practising self care can help us get in touch with ourselves.

5. Better Relationships:

When we prioritize our own well-being, we’re better able to show up fully for others. You can’t pour from an empty cup after all.

“Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”

– Eleanor Brownn

What Is Self-Care Saturday?

SELF CARE SATURDAY is a day to step back from the hustle and bustle of daily life to focus on your number one VIP…

That’s you!

What is your mind and body asking for right now?

Whether you spend the day at the local farmer’s market, practising yoga, or simply enjoying some alone time, Self Care Saturday is all about doing what makes you feel good and recharging for the week ahead. The beauty is that it can look different for everyone.

Whatever you choose, the key is to make self care it a non-negotiable part of your weekend routine.

60 Self Care Ideas To Try on Saturday

self care


  1. Practice mindfulness meditation for 10 minutes.
  2. Practice gratitude by writing down things you’re thankful for.
  3. Listen to calming music or a guided meditation.
  4. Practice deep breathing exercises to relax your mind.
  5. Engage in positive self-talk
  6. Say positive affirmations.
  7. Try different ways of journalling
  8. Create a vision board to visualize your dreams and aspirations.


  1. Spend some time cooking a tasty meal you’ve never made before
  2. Eat some healthy snacks (it doesn’t need to be avocado and toast)
  3. Have a nap
  4. Pamper yourself with a skincare routine
  5. Get your nails done
  6. Take a yoga class to stretch and strengthen your body.
  7. Go for a nature walk or hike to get some fresh air and exercise.
  8. Try a new workout routine or fitness class.
  9. Indulge in a face mask
  10. Have a dance party in your living room to your favorite music.
  11. Treat yourself to a massage
  12. Have a spa day at home.
  13. Take a relaxing bubble bath with essential oils and Epsom salts.
  14. Practice gentle stretching or foam rolling to release tension in your muscles.
  15. Go for a swim at a local pool or beach.
  16. Try a new outdoor activity like biking, kayaking, or rock climbing.


  1. Review your budget and track your expenses.
  2. Ask yourself why you made these purchases, what was the feeling behind them?
  3. Set financial goals for the future and create a plan to achieve them.
  4. Declutter and organize your finances, including bills, receipts, and documents.
  5. Create a savings plan for emergencies or future expenses.
  6. Evaluate your spending habits and identify areas where you can cut back.
  7. Set up automatic transfers or deposits to savings accounts or retirement funds.
  8. Educate yourself on financial literacy topics, or listen to a podcast.

Life Admin

  1. Create a meal plan and meal prep healthy meals for the upcoming week.
  2. Make a to-do list and prioritize tasks for the day or week ahead.
  3. Delete files and pictures from your phone or laptop that you don’t need.
  4. Organise your calendar for the week
  5. Set your weekly intentions


  1. Declutter and organize your living space to create a calming environment.
  2. Bring nature indoors by adding plants or flowers to your home decor.
  3. Volunteer for a local environmental organization or participate in a cleanup event.
  4. Throw away or donate items you no longer need or use.
  5. Revamp your living space with some new decor
  6. Light some candles
  7. Buy fresh flowers for your room

Fun Things

  1. Have a game night with friends or family members and play board games or card games.
  2. Go on a solo date to somewhere you’ve never been before.
  3. Have a movie night or binge-watch a TV series you’ve been wanting to see.
  4. Try a new hobby like latin dancing or karaoke
  5. Go on a spontaneous adventure to another city
  6. Have a picnic in the park with delicious snacks and drinks.
  7. Go to a local event or festival happening in your community.
  8. Try a new restaurant or café and indulge in delicious food and drinks.
  9. Spend the day exploring a museum, art gallery, or cultural exhibit in your area.
  10. Take a trip to a local coffee shop

Luxurious Things

  1. Treat yourself to a luxurious spa day with massages, facials, and body treatments.
  2. Splurge on a fancy dinner at a high-end restaurant or gourmet cuisine.
  3. Book a weekend getaway to a luxurious resort or boutique hotel.
  4. Indulge in a shopping spree and buy yourself something special or luxurious.
  5. Treat yourself to a pampering session with a professional hair stylist or makeup artist.
  6. Rent a limousine or luxury car for a day and explore your city in style.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

– Buddha


What Day Should Be Self Care Day?

Any day that you can spare! For most people this is at the weekend.

As long as you make it an essential part of your weekly routine.

Is It Self Care Saturday or Self Care Sunday?

When it comes to self care, it doesn’t really matter if it’s Saturday or Sunday?

Some people may prefer Saturday because you’ve decompressed from work on Friday, and you’re not getting ready for the week ahead like on Sunday.

Others may prefer Sunday because even God rested on that day.

What’s a Good Self-Care Routine?

A good self care routine depends on the individual. Some people may need time alone and others might need a massage to work out those knots.

The best thing to do is listen to yourself and figure out what YOU need and build a routine from that.

Keep in mind that it might not look the same each week. Some weeks you might need a pedicure and others you might need to touch grass.

How Long Should I Spend on Self-Care?

The amount of time you spend on self care can vary depending on your schedule, preferences, and individual needs.

While some may benefit from dedicating a few minutes each day to self-care practices, others might need a full day or a getaway.

My advice is to carve out some time each week where you get to be completely selfish. Whether that’s a Self Care Saturday like me, or the 5 minutes you enjoy in the morning with a coffee.

Well that’s it folks.

Let me know how you like to practice self care.

Do you do it on a Saturday or a Sunday?

As always sending all the warm fuzzy positive vibes your way.



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