woman holding books

Unlock Your Hidden Potential: 10 Books For Personal Development Goals

Many of us have personal development goals, and if we look around there are plenty of people that have already achieved theirs. Luckily for us, many successful people have written books on how they did it. I’ve put together a list of a few of my favourites below.

Trying to achieve personal development goals? Then it’s time to get reading!

 Can reading really help you to achieve your personal development goals? With 88% of wealthy people devoting thirty minutes or more each day to self-education or self-improvement reading we should take note. If you want to go somewhere, it’s always better to ask the locals for directions.   

As for me, you’ll find ‘I am an avid reader’ in the hobbies section of my CV. (Do employers even read that section?) But unlike the rest of my CV, I was not exaggerating. Here’s an eclectic mix of books that have helped me achieve my personal development goals:

10 Books To Help You Help Yourself :

 Full disclosure… This post contains affiliate links, I only include links for things I have used myself and I may earn commission from qualifying purchases. (Help a girl out :D)

1. The Lazy Guru’s Guide to Life: A Mindful Approach to Achieving More by Doing Less

If milestone anxiety is getting you down, give this a read! This book is a beginner’s guide to modern Taoism: the art of doing less. With a relatively short reading time, lots of illustrations and numerous nuggets of wisdom, this book is perfect for those dipping their toes into the personal development sphere.  

2. The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery

We often ask what we can do to help ourselves. A better question may be what are we doing to limit ourselves? West gives tangible actions to dispel our limiting beliefs and reclaim our lives. This book guides us through overcoming self-sabotage to become the most authentic version of ourselves. 

3. Financial Feminist: Overcome the Patriarchy’s Bullsh*t to Master Your Money and Build a Life You Love

Tory Dunlop creator of Her first 100K podcast analyses the psychology behind our spending, giving easy-to-implement tools to take control of our finances. While gurus such as Dave Ramsey have advocated for the infamous ‘beans and rice’ approach, Tory Dunlop shows spending intentionally is the key to good money management. If getting better at handling money is one of your personal development goals, get your hands on this book. 

4. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

The inspiration behind my Why you aren’t who you think you are blog post, this book catalysed the change in my self-perception. The author shows how we can show up as the version of ourselves we want to be through a consistent daily routine.  It brings to mind the tortoise and the hare analogy, sometimes slowly but purposefully is the fastest way to get to your destination. Struggling to implement big changes? Let the author show you how small changes can lead to big results.

5. Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

It wouldn’t be a list without this one. A must for any bookshelf, the renowned Robert Kiyosaki takes us on an odyssey into the minds of the poor and rich. Can the way we think about money influence how much of it we have? Absolutely! Take some advice from Rich Dad, and make financial literacy one of your personal development goals. 

10 books successful women read for personal development

6. How to Win Friends and Influence People

In an increasingly connected world, effective communication is a skill we need to thrive. Although written for a completely different time, the wisdom is evergreen and can be applied immediately. Despite being an introvert, I built a strong professional and social network. So stop scrolling and get this in your basket!

7. Eat That Frog!: Get More Of The Important Things Done Today

Convinced that you work better under pressure? Tracy shows us how to stop procrastinating and get on with it. This book provides strategies to move forward with your goals by focusing on ‘eating the right frogs’. If you are spending time chasing tadpoles, this will help you prioritise your time to tackle the biggest and ugliest frogs.

8. The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness

Have you ever stopped to wonder why the advice we receive and the way we think about money differ so greatly? This book helps us understand how our experiences have shaped our money mindset. After all, the first step to implementing meaningful change is to understand the problem. A must-have for anyone aiming to take charge of their money habits. 

9. The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul

Have you set goals only to find that you are unfulfilled, constantly searching for the next thing you need to achieve? Then this book is for you. The author gives an illuminating insight into how what we think we want is just a manifestation of how we want to feel. Whether your goals are big or small, The Desire Map helps you understand what you are really searching for. 

10. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

This book has received, and deservingly so, critical acclaim for its no-nonsense approach to combatting the toxic positivity epidemic. In my twenties, I always found an external reason for my problems. Jobs ‘don’t pay enough’ and ‘house prices are too high’ were a couple of my go-to complaints. Get this on your bookshelf, take control of the controllable and stop giving a f*** about the rest.  

What are your personal development goals?

Would you add any books to this list?

Let me know!

As always sending all the fuzzy positive vibes your way!



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